Thursday, October 28, 2010


I'm back. Was blogging around these lovely ladies, who seem to have so many lovely ideas.
I decided its about time i do something its not much. But the spirit of christmas is around
us. So what to do? These chinese lanterns needed a new face lift from the flowery bunch.
Made these two sweeties. Got me some plastic flowers from a shop with holes in the middle
been wanting to do some lovely christmas lights. so here we go had me some glue gun.
and TADA!. But i think i have to find another way. because when i light them the glue is heating
and melting back and the flowers are falling. ANY IDEAS?
I was thinking UHU or plain white glue.
Please help????


  1. I wonder if epoxy glue can handle the heat! they truly are lovely along with the lanterns!

  2. Hi, I just saw you comment over at Heidi's and I am following you now. Love what you have done with the lanterns and flowers...It looks like the flowers might be able to be held with some electrical tape around the bottom of the flower on the wire. Hope it works.


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